Meditation is a conscious practice aimed at relaxing the mind, focusing and finding inner peace.
Meditation is practiced with different techniques in many different cultures and belief systems. Basically, during meditation, a person focuses their attention on an object, their breath, a sound or a thought, trying to achieve a state of mental silence, awareness and serenity. The most important benefits of meditation include reducing stress, providing emotional balance, improving focus and concentration, and contributing to physical and mental health.
Choosing a quiet environment for meditation, sitting or lying down in a comfortable position, breathing regularly, or directing your gaze to a chosen focal point to calm the mind are important for concentration. Starting with short periods at the beginning and increasing the duration over time helps to gain a regular meditation habit.
Our aim is to help participants gain the habit of meditation and add the benefits of meditation to their lives through regular practice in our classes .
There are several different types of meditation.
Among the most common types of meditation are;
Mindfulness Meditation: Involves focusing one's attention on a specific point, such as an object, breathing, or a sound. It is used to clear the mind from distraction and improve focus.
Mindfulness Meditation: Here, one aims to accept the present moment, notice emotions, thoughts and bodily sensations. It involves observing emotions and thoughts without judgment.
Transcendental Meditation : A type of meditation that involves focusing on a repeated word, sound, or phrase called a mantra.
"Meditation enables us to change our thought patterns with love and compassion, to discover our personal identity and to find inner peace." - Ram Dass
"My most creative moments were when I was meditating or taking a walk. The mental calmness increased my creativity." - Steve Jobs
Breathing practices are conscious breathing techniques that are used for the purposes of awareness, relaxation and stress management. Breathing practices are the basis of many meditation and yoga techniques and help improve mental, emotional and physical health. The most important benefits of breathing practices include; reducing stress, emotional balance, mental focus and concentration.
When starting a breathing practice; it is necessary to sit or lie down in a comfortable position, take slow deep breaths, and focus your attention on your breath. For breathing practices, starting with short periods at the beginning and increasing the duration over time, and practicing regularly play an important role in gaining this habit.
There are many different breathing techniques. Anuloma Viloma, Nadi Shodhana, Kapalabhati, Ujjayi, Bahastrika are some of these techniques.
Breathing practice provides many benefits to mental and physical health when done regularly.
Our aim is for participants to add the benefits of breathing practice to their lives after regular practice with appropriate breathing techniques in our classes.
Breath is neither in the past nor in the future, it is always in the NOW.
That's why focusing on the breath always brings us to the MOMENT.