The word "Hatha" means "sun" (ha) and "moon" (tha) in Sanskrit.
Therefore, Hatha yoga is a type of yoga that focuses on balancing the solar (active, dynamic) and lunar (resting, passive) energies of the body.
Hatha yoga aims to promote unity of body, mind and spirit by combining control of the physical body, control of breathing and mental focus.
Hatha yoga forms the basis of modern yoga practice and has influenced many other types of yoga.
There is no single person who can be called the founder of Hatha yoga, because this form of yoga has a very ancient and traditional history.
However, the Hatha yoga tradition has been developed and passed down by many yogis and sages who have written important works, including texts such as the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" and the "Gheranda Samhita".
Hatha Yoga increases muscle strength, improves flexibility, improves posture and promotes physical health.
Provides better focus, stress reduction and mental calmness.
It helps you use your breath more effectively through Pranayama techniques and encourages balancing of energy levels.
Hatha yoga is generally suitable for yogis of all levels and can be a good starting point for beginners.