Chandra Namaskar , or Moon Salutations, is a yoga flow performed to pay homage to the soothing energy of the Moon in yoga practice.
It is often practiced during the cycles of the Moon and offers a more calm, meditative approach.
This creates a balance to the more energetic and warming movements of Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar).
The moon is a symbol of renewal, emotional depth and inner wisdom in many cultures, such as in Indian philosophy and Greek mythology.
Chandra Namaskar embodies these qualities and enhances the practitioners' emotional balance while also producing a spiritually soothing effect.
This practice focuses on the passive, receptive, feminine energy of the Moon.
Moon Salutations are done with the intention of softness, flexibility, and acceptance.
Its meditative nature calms the mind and induces a deep sense of inner peace.
Chandra Namaskar includes a variety of poses, and each one highlights the soft energy of the Moon.
These classes are ideal for those seeking peace, especially during stressful or busy times, and offer participants the opportunity to rejuvenate physically, mentally and emotionally.