Join the 4-Week Yoga Journey! Take the First Step on Your Yoga Journey!
This program is designed for anyone who wants to take a step into yoga.
In this class, shaped by the different perspectives of three different instructors, you will strengthen your body and mind while learning basic yoga poses.
Thanks to the advantage of online classes, you can participate wherever you are in the world.
Additionally, recordings of the lessons will be shared so you can repeat your practice at your own time.


Week 1
• Sun Salutation Series (Surya Namaskara A & B)
• Basic breathing techniques
• Standing balances (Tadasana, Virabhadrasana I & II)

Week 2
• Back and hip opening poses (Baddha Konasana, Utkata Konasana)
• Spine awareness (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana, Bhujangasana)

Week 3
• Poses that increase balance and flexibility (Vrksasana, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana)
• Strengthening sequences (Plank, Chaturanga)

Week 4
* Basic inversions (Sarvangasana, Viparita Karani)
* Stretching and relaxation techniques on the floor (Paschimottanasana, Supta Baddha Konasana)
* Meditation techniques

What Will You Learn?

This class teaches basic yoga poses, breathing and meditation techniques, and ways to develop flexibility and balance. Structured to suit all levels of participants, the classes introduce you to the basic building blocks of yoga.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of online live lessons?

Online live lessons offer many advantages such as flexibility, convenience and accessibility. You can manage your time better, take lessons wherever you want and have the chance to attend classes from different instructors.

How Can I Participate?

To join the classes, you must first create a membership on the website. When the class start time approaches, you will be able to join the class via the Zoom link by clicking on the relevant class on the Calendar.

What Levels of Courses Are Offered?

We have classes for all levels of students. You can find information about all classes on the Classes page and view the Calendar to view the class schedule.

What Equipment Is Required For Online Courses?

Basically, a yoga mat, comfortable sportswear, a device that provides internet access such as a computer, tablet or smartphone are required. In addition, it is useful to have supporting equipment such as a yoga block, yoga belt or cushion.