Yoga Yolculuğumda Karşılaştığım Aşırı Esnek Bedenler ve Denge Arayışı

The Extremely Flexible Bodies I Encountered in My Yoga Journey and the Search for Balance

Throughout my yoga journey, I have had the opportunity to experience unique experiences that come with working with different body types.

During this process, especially working with yogis with extremely flexible bodies has deeply influenced me in terms of strength, flexibility and finding the balance between the two.

I want to share information about the difficulties that hyperflexible bodies face in yoga practice and the methods to overcome these difficulties, and to emphasize the importance of finding this balance.

It is important for yogis with flexible bodies to gain strength and maintain this balance.

In this context, I had the chance to experience the Om Yoga Style Vinyasa training I received and the benefits offered by this style in my own practice and on the yogis I worked with.

Om Yoga Style Vinyasa is a dynamic yoga practice that focuses on the integration of flowing movements and breath.

This style is based on the “principles of alignment” that support the body’s natural alignment and enable flexible bodies to move consciously.

Om Yoga Style Vinyasa helps create a healthy balance between strength and flexibility by offering a flowing sequence where each movement is paired with conscious breathing.

It is also important for yogis with extremely flexible bodies to be open to diversity in their yoga practice.

Different styles such as Iyengar Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga can help flexible yogis better understand their limits by working the body from different angles.

Additionally, working with a conscious instructor increases the strength of these yogis while minimizing their risk of injury .

Message to Flexible Bodies from Lemon Tree Yoga:

“Your flexibility is a gift, and when balanced with strength it becomes a work of art.

In the yoga journey of flexible bodies, we encourage you to take each step consciously, explore the limits of your body and respect it.

At Lemon Tree Yoga, we support a healthy and conscious practice while balancing flexibility with strength.

Yoga is a meeting not only with your body but also with your being.”

With love,


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