Bakasana: Güç ve Dengenin Hikayesi

Bakasana: A Story of Strength and Balance

Hello Dear Yogis,

Today I want to talk about my favorite pose, Bakasana (Crow Pose), and what this pose means to me.

Bakasana is commonly known as “Crow Pose,” but is sometimes also called “Crane Pose.” The difference between the two terms often depends on how the pose is performed and cultural translation differences.

Bakasana (Crow Pose): In this pose, the hands are placed on the floor, the elbows are slightly bent, and the legs are placed behind the arms. The legs are positioned close to the elbows and the feet are held in the air. This is a lower arm balance pose and is often called “Crow Pose.”

In terms of its Sanskrit acronym, “ Baka ” means “crow” in Sanskrit. Therefore, Bakasana can be directly translated as “Crow Pose”.
Kakasana (Crane Pose): Kakasana is similar to Bakasana, but here the elbows are kept straighter. This pose is more difficult because it requires more arm strength and balance. In some yoga traditions, when the elbows are straight the pose is called “Crane Pose.”

Sanskrit Name: Bakasana
Turkish Name: Crow Pose
English Name: Crow Pose

Bakasana is a pose that develops strength, balance and concentration in yoga practice.

It exercises arm strength, wrists and abdominal muscles, while emphasizing the importance of mental and physical balance.

Physically, this pose improves the digestive system and speeds up metabolism.

In Indian philosophy and eastern traditions, Bakasana is a symbol of inner strength and courage.

The story of this pose is about staying steady and finding balance in the face of adversity.

Spiritually, Bakasana reminds us of our belief in ourselves and our power to overcome our mental barriers.

When I teach Bakasana at Lemon Tree Yoga School, I emphasize that this pose is not just a physical movement, but also a philosophy of life.

It inspires us to maintain our balance and discover our inner strength in the face of challenges in our lives.

Bakasana is a key that allows us to find calmness and balance in the chaos of life.

This pose reminds us that we can always be stronger and more determined.

With love,

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